Clinical Evidence
One in 25 Australians will experience a memory impairment as a result of a neurological disorder such as stroke, epilepsy, head injury, autoimmune disease, brain tumour or infection. Memory rehabilitation has the ability to improve functioning in many of these non-dementia conditions. One manualised, group-based program, ‘Making the Most of Your Memory’ (Radford et al. 2010), has been shown to improve everyday memory in these types of patients even years after the onset of their disorder. As a result of the program, patients were able to increase the number of memory strategies used in their daily lives, meet their memory related goals, and expand their anterograde memory capacity.

Clinical Evidence
One in 25 Australians will experience a memory impairment as a result of a neurological disorder such as stroke, epilepsy, head injury, autoimmune disease, brain tumour or infection. Memory rehabilitation has the ability to improve functioning in many of these non-dementia conditions. One manualised, group-based program, ‘Making the Most of Your Memory’ (Radford et al. 2010), has been shown to improve everyday memory in these types of patients even years after the onset of their disorder. As a result of the program, patients were able to increase the number of memory strategies used in their daily lives, meet their memory related goals, and expand their anterograde memory capacity.

Clinical Evidence
One in 25 Australians will experience a memory impairment as a result of a neurological disorder such as stroke, epilepsy, head injury, autoimmune disease, brain tumour or infection. Memory rehabilitation has the ability to improve functioning in many of these non-dementia conditions. One manualised, group-based program, ‘Making the Most of Your Memory’ (Radford et al. 2010), has been shown to improve everyday memory in these types of patients even years after the onset of their disorder. As a result of the program, patients were able to increase the number of memory strategies used in their daily lives, meet their memory related goals, and expand their anterograde memory capacity.

Clinical Evidence
One in 25 Australians will experience a memory impairment as a result of a neurological disorder such as stroke, epilepsy, head injury, autoimmune disease, brain tumour or infection. Memory rehabilitation has the ability to improve functioning in many of these non-dementia conditions. One manualised, group-based program, ‘Making the Most of Your Memory’ (Radford et al. 2010), has been shown to improve everyday memory in these types of patients even years after the onset of their disorder. As a result of the program, patients were able to increase the number of memory strategies used in their daily lives, meet their memory related goals, and expand their anterograde memory capacity.
About Us
MEMO is an interactive telehealth platform based on the making the Most of Your Memory program. In this program, the clinicians would run face to face sessions with patient groups to equip them with memory strategies. As a result of the program, patients were able to meet their memory related goals, expand their memory capacity and live a more independent and confident life.
Due to the recent pandemic, clinicians and patients are restricted from holding face-to-face meetings and many clinicians are now running rehabilitation programs online using video conferencing software (i.e., telehealth) which have proven to be just as effective as their face-to-face counterparts. While successful, many Telehealth interventions do not take advantage of the full gamut of digital tools available to supplement rehabilitation. In the digital age, we can do better!
Our company aims to develop an online memory rehabilitation platform, called MEMO (Making Everyday Memory Optimal), to benefit patients and clinicians. This program will provide a dedicated video-conferencing platform for supported, weekly group-based interactions, pre-session educational videos as well as engaging, strategy centred exercises with feedback to enhance improvements in everyday memory. Through collaboration with patients and clinicians, our aim is to redesign what rehabilitation looks like and use technology to bring memory rehabilitation into the digital age.

MEMOResearch is an exciting new tool designed specifically for research into memory function and the impact of intervention. This web-based app provides subjective and objective assessment as well as computer-based memory skills training. Perfect for running research in a clinical setting.

It's efficient and engaging!
It's like having an automated Research Assistant, with no need to bring participants in for testing or intervention provision. Any number of participants can be engaged at the same time and they can be accumulated prospectively as they become available.
The researcher sets the parameters, chooses the measures and intervention, and obtains consent from participants.
The app then interacts with the participant to perform the testing, administer cognitive training as well as provide notifications and reminders.
The researchers can then download and collect the outcome data straight from the app!
You have control
MEMOResearch is designed to give you control over the research process.

The Measures
You decide: participants can complete mood, memory self-evaluation and satisfaction surveys online. They can also be given up to three novel tests of objective memory with matched, alternative versions.

The Study Design
In addition to the nature of the intervention and measures, you control parameters such as number and type of participants as well as frequency and type of notifications.

The Intervention
Several memory strategy training exercises are available to choose from. Each has a tutorial and multiple levels of difficulty through which the participant progresses. You determine the length of the intervention period and can choose to set up a control group.

The Participants
The program allows you to follow the number and progress of the participants. It also notifies you if a participant stops engaging.
Built-in, computerised training exercises that can teach participants how to pay attention and remember a route, how to encode name associations and how to take notes.
The objective memory tests included measure skills that would benefit from the application of these strategies.

Routes and places

Faces and names

Active listening
Check out our webinar
Click here to view a 40 min webinar on MEMOResearch.