We’ve had a look at anonymised data from the first 50 patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) who participated in MEMORehab and are thrilled with our findings on the level of engagement….
MEMORehab provides a novel cognitive intervention over a three-month period involving 6 sessions with a clinician, as well as three types of online material: educational videos, quizzes (based on video content) and computer-based exercises for learning and practicing memory strategies. We had a look at how often participants have been using the online resources.
Participants ranged from 24-85 years of age, with the average being 57 years. Seventeen identified as female and 33 as male. They had a variety of etiologies, the most common being head injury, epilepsy and stroke.
Overall results: The level of engagement was very high, with only 4 participants failing to try any of the online material. Most (67%) accessed videos and quizzes more than once and, for those who started an exercise, the tendency was to persist until they had obtained the highest level.

Considering demographics: When participants were divided by gender, there were no differences between the two groups in the level of engagement on number of video viewings or quizzes attempted. Some sex differences were seen on engagement with the computer-based exercises: women spent more time on the exercises than men did. Women were more likely than men to try an exercise at least once (68% for women vs 48% for men) and they returned to make more attempts on an exercise (11 times vs 6 times). In the end, however, rates of success (highest level achieved) were similar for women and men.
When the participants were divided into those younger or older than 50, age had no significant effect on the level of engagement, though it’s worth noting that there have not yet been many participants aged between 20-40.

When we examined the performance of those who engaged in an exercise, we were happy to see that most persisted until they had accomplished all or almost all of the possible seven levels.

Summing it up: The high level of engagement in this web-based app indicates that adults with acquired brain injuries are motivated by this method of rehabilitation delivery. So far, we’re finding that men and women show similar success rates on the computerised exercises, but women engage more often. Older age was not a barrier to participation. Given that levels of motivation and engagement help determine the success of cognitive rehabilitation, we have confidence that these high levels of engagement will contribute to positive memory outcomes.