MEMORehab is a web-based memory intervention program that was launched in 2022. It was originally built for use by Clinical Neuropsychologists providing group-based interventions to adults with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). We recently evaluated our customer base (n= 30 sites) and their patient cohorts (n=140) to see if this tool was being applied more broadly. We found that MEMORehab was being used in 10 hospital units, 3 universities and 17 private practices across Australia, with patients as young as 16 and one as old as 86.
When we explored the professions of clinician using the product, as predicted, MEMORehab was used most often by Neuropsychologists and their students (67% of cohort), but it was also frequently used by Occupational Therapists (27%) (mainly in hospital rehabilitation units) and occasionally by Clinical Psychologists (4%) and Speech Pathologists (2%).
With regard to aetiology of the participants, the distributions were: 34% Head injury; 19% Stroke; 11% Epilepsy and 8% other ABI. However, MEMORehab was also being provided to Mental Health patients (19%) and to 9% who chose not to enter a primary diagnosis.
A group-based approach was adopted for 89% of the cases, with 16 patients (11%) seen on an individual basis.
In conclusion, the guided intervention provided by MEMORehab has proven quite versatile. We’re excited to see it being used by more types of clinicians and patients than expected. Clinicians in private practice are finding that it helps them provide a one-on-one intervention, whereas those that are hospital-based are tending to run the program with small groups. Outcome related to these various factors would be a great student research project!